Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Su30:Specs.

Some of the general characteristics of the Su-27PU/Su-30

Crew: two
Length: 21.935m (72 ft 9 in)
Wingspan: 14.7m (48 ft)
Height: 6.357m (21 ft 5 in)
Empty weight: 17,700 kg (39,021 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 33,000 kg (72,752 lb)
Thrust with afterburner: 27,550 lbf (122.58 kN) each
Maximum speed: 2150 km/h (2.35 Mach)
Cruise speed: 870 mph (1,300 km/h)
Range: 1,620 nm (3,000 km)
Service ceiling: 57,410 ft (17,500m)
Rate of climb: 45,275 ft/min (230 m/s)
[Subject to Update]

The Su-27PU had 8 hardpoints for its weapon load, whereas the Su-30MK's combat load is mounted on 12 hardpoints*: 2 wingtip AAM launch rails, 3 pylons under each wing, 1 pylon under each engine nacelle**, and 2 pylons in tandem in the "arch" between the engines. All versions can carry upto 8 tonnes of external stores.
[*Hardpoints:A hardpoint is any part of an airframe designed to carry an external load. This technical description includes mountings for engines, but most commonly the word is used to refer to the points on the wings of military aircraft where external stores - missiles, bombs, countermeasures, gun pods, and drop tanks - can be attached.
**Nacelle:A term referring to the structure surrounding an aircraft engine. A nacelle includes that which is commonly referred to as engine cowling, but also includes other components as well]

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